Being a weaver and living from this craft to me means believing in craftsmanship and the value of manual arts knowledge.
I grew up in Trento, Italy and since 2015 I live in Vienna, Austria. All of my productions are done by me in my atelier. My goal is to continue to believe in the quality of materials, the importance of craftsmanship and the beauty of weaving. Every time I sit at the loom I know I am in the right place.
For me weaving is the metaphor of life. Weaving is about love, it is about time, patience, dedication and listening to one’s senses.
Weaving is art and when we talk about art we open upinfinite perspectives, art is an existential question of us human beings. My intention is to create and make art using different types of yarns and colors to bring out something unique that has almost been forgotten.
Carpets of Armungia Casa Lussu, Sardinia
Textile Residences
Erika Farina
“LA STANZA” Atelier für Textile Kunst.
Insta @frnrke
Rosa Valentina Martino | Elisabetta Schmidtlein
Winning project of the competition "Creatives for Vienna- Future Communities 2021" promoted by the Wirtschaftsagentur Wien.
Collective “OBST”
Bookbindery | Buchbinderei WUK
Exhibition and sale of my products at Musette Shop from the 6th of October 2021
Kaiserstraße 50, ident Westbahnstraße 50/1A, 1070 Wien